Sneak attacks are something I have come to expect along this journey. It never fails, when we receive good news something seems to come along attempting to steal our joy. On the heels of the amazing, over-the-top successful Butterfly Ball I knew an attack was on the horizon, it was only a matter of time. And even though I was expecting it, I wasn’t prepared.

We have spent the past six months preparing for the Ball. Planning filled my time well and gave me a good outlet for energy while keeping my mind busy. But once the event was over and clean up completed, my mind had time to wander, time to think about what made us start this process in the beginning – Kayleigh. More specifically, the loss of Kayleigh.

Tuesday, sitting in the glow of my Christmas tree, making plans for Thanksgiving, the holidays loomed larger than life in front of me. The magnitude of loss seemed to be unbearable. And then I walk into my kitchen and read the sign over my sink, “The will of God will not take you where the grace of God will not protect you.” What a much needed reminder. Yes, the loss I feel is great, but there is so much more at play here. I miss her, but she is enjoying perfection and her story is making a difference. My little 7 year old spitfire was the catalyst that changed my life and the lives of so many around me.

So, I survived the hard day and woke to a new morning. A new day where I remember I have so much to be thankful for. The kids and I took the flowers from the ball to Kayleigh’s grave, we even took the new puppy to say hello – she would have loved both. Then we went to my grandparents house where four generations gathered under one roof to enjoy one another and give thanks for our many blessings. What a good day.

My verses for you tonight are to remind you that sometimes we fight an unseen foe, but thanks to our salvation through Christ, we have the tools and strength we need to face every challenge. Not simply face the foe, but to prevail.

Until tomorrow,

“For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”
2 Cor. 10:3-5

6 comments on “Sneak Attack”

  1. How I got connected to following Kaleigh’s journey the summer of her diagnosis, I do not know…the only explanation is that it was God’s plan. Your words & family inspire me to fix my eyes on Jesus every day & in every situation. Your posts leads me to a deeper faith with Jesus. Thank you for touching my life with yours.

  2. How beautiful! My daughter did not know Kaleigh personally, but since we’re from Hartselle, she felt like she knew her. She still talks about her & whenever we do anything with purple she says, “This is for Kaleigh.” She still wears her shirt too. Just wanted to let you know she continues to touch our lives, as do you. Happy Thanksgiving!

  3. I lost my son on Nov 11th of this year. He was 35. I pray for the peace you have because at this time it doesn’t seem possible. Thank you for you post and words.

  4. Oh how I needed this reminder!!! Yes your precious Kayleigh is making a difference in so many lives….mine included! Her sparkle, genuine love, courage, trust in our Lord will never be forgotten because God will continue to use her life and her story!
    Happy Thanksgiving to each of you!
    💜✝️ Susette

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