Live Purple Blog

October 13, 2021 – Grace Update

Grace Update…I wish I was writing a bright and shiny update about how much better Grace was feeling, but I can’t. This is now day 22 of this headache with little to no relief.

I had hoped new medicine and fall break would get her to feeling better. And it did lighten up a little bit. By yesterday it was a dull annoyance – much better than it has been. She still had to wear sunglasses all the time, but she was able to do a few normal things like sit outside for a little while (while it was cloudy), read her book for English, made nachos, and even did a short run to Kroger to get popcorn and get out of the house. It was the closest I’ve seen her to normal in weeks! She was even making plans for school and practice this week. We were all hopeful. Even if the headache didn’t go away completely, she could at least function like this. Woo hoo!

But my brief moment of hopefulness didn’t last long. Shortly after dinner a NEW headache came on. The right side was still hurting, but this new one was straight down the center and getting angry fast. She took the migraine meds hoping they would cut it off and went straight to bed.

This morning she feels generally rotten. The medicine leaves her feeling groggy, slow, and like she’s been hit by a truck. The meds didn’t knock out the new headache and the old headache is angry again. It feels like all progress just flew out the window. I’m frustrated, she’s frustrated, and we just don’t know what to do.

It would be really easy to stay frustrated and mad, but that isn’t good for any of us. I have to remind myself that the Lord answered my first prayer swiftly and beautifully – a scan that confirms no brain mass. That is a blessing and huge relief. So why hasn’t He answered our prayers for relief? All I can think is that it isn’t time yet.

On Monday, I found myself in John 11, where Mary & Martha sent for Jesus because Lazarus was so very sick. These weren’t unknown people asking for help, these were dear friends, people Jesus loved. But rather than dropping everything, he stayed where he was for two more days, completing what He was called to do there, before heading back to his friends. By the time Jesus and the disciples arrived, Lazarus had been dead for four days.

I have read this story many times before and I know Jesus is about to perform an amazing miracle. But Monday I found myself thinking about Mary & Martha and how they must have felt in the waiting. They spent the final days with their brother just praying that Jesus would get there to save him, and he didn’t. Can you imagine their agony in the waiting? Their grief in the loss?

I mean, they were personal friends with the Messiah. They knew he could heal their brother with a word. And what if he had? Well, that would have been a pretty amazing miracle for sure. But the miracle that came? It was beyond anything they could have imagined.

After 4 days, dead and buried, Jeases called to Lazarus, “Lazarus, come out!” And he did. Can you imagine the mind boggling, ecstatic, astonishing joy? Can you imagine their faith? They were already believers, but I can assure you – after that, nothing would shake their belief. All because they endured the season of suffering and waiting.

I don’t know what the Lord has in store for my girl, but I know this season of waiting has a purpose. I will be praying all day, every day that He grants Grace relief, because it breaks my heart to see her hurting. But at the same time, I will choose to trust His timing, His plan, and His purpose. Trusting that He is strong enough to carry all of us through this, and that whatever He has waiting for Grace on the other side will be beyond anything we could ask or imagine.

It’s a new day. It may be a hard day, but it’s still a good day – I will rejoice and be glad in it.

Until later,


October 8, 2021 – Friday Grace Update

Friday Afternoon Grace Update…

How wonderful it is to have such amazing friends and prayer warriors willing to stand in the gap for you. Though all of this has been unnerving we know we are so very blessed and have certainly felt your prayers. With each comment, message, and text our spirits were lifted and we were reminded just how amazing the Body of Christ is!

The MRI went well this morning. G was in and out in about 30 minutes – probably the longest 30 minutes of my life – but she was in good spirits and like the people in radiology. She actually woke up with a milder headache this morning which was a huge praise! But 30 minutes in a metal tube with constant banging fixed that. By the time the MRI was over she was miserable. I brought her home to sleep it off and do our best to wait patiently for results.

Even though we were praying for swift answers, we knew we might not get them until next week and I reminded myself all day that a slow response was a good thing. Honestly, when the medical community gets in a hurry I’ve learned that usually means something is wrong and needs to be addressed immediately. So when my caller ID said Dr. P after lunch I was both nervous and thankful.

Let me just pause my update here to say – I don’t know what we would do without Dr. P and his team. They have been kind, compassionate, and thorough. When insurance told me on Wednesday it could take up to 30 days to approve the MRI, they went to bat for my girl and had approval the next morning. I have no doubt Dr. P caught Kayleigh’s tumor early and gave us the gift of precious time. And today, he got to deliver good news instead of bad…


There are no words for the relief that came from those two words. God is so good!

The scan did show a couple of small things, but the radiologist report said they did not seem significant and would not have bearing on the headaches. The x-ray she had in the office last week showed a polyp in one of her sinus cavities and the MRI gave us a clearer picture. It’s a pretty good size and she’ll need to see the ENT about it, but again – it should have no bearing on the headache. So while I cannot say the scan was completely “clear,” I’m calling this one a win. As my daddy would say, it’s certainly close enough for horseshoes and hand grenades!

Now we will focus on tackling these headaches. Dr. P referred us to Vandy for a pediatric neurologist and warned us it would probably take a little while to get it. His nurse told me if we didn’t hear from them in two weeks to call back. In the meantime we will start treating it with a daily preventative medicine and some stronger pain meds. Hopefully, new meds and a few days off for fall break will make these manageable. Better yet, keep praying with us and let’s get these things gone!

As I was about to wrap this post up with how good our God is my phone started ringing with a Nashville number. You guys must really be praying on over time! That was Vanderbilt scheduling calling at 5:45 on a Friday night to make Grace’s appointment. What hospital does that? How awesome is that???

The first available day is November 15th and I said yes immediately – we’ll take the very first one they have, please and thank you! After I hung up the phone it hit me – that is Kayleigh‘s 5 year heavenly anniversary. I’m not sure what the Lord is up to, but I’m betting He has great things in store for that day and I am going to be praying expectantly.

Thank you sweet friends for walking with us down this road. Once again you and your prayers have carried us through and unexpected season. We would appreciate your continued prayers for G. Specifically that she will not just get relief, but that the headache will go away completely and that new ones will be prevented.

I will update how things are going from time to time, just probably not daily unless it’s needed.

Until Later,


A friend sent me this verse today. It couldn’t have been more perfect…

“I love the Lord because he hears my voice and my prayer for mercy. Because he bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath!”Psalms 116:1-2 NLT

Grace with Kayleigh 💜

October 8, 2021 – An Unexpected Request

As I lay in bed unable to sleep, I pick up my phone to write the kind of post I never thought I would write again. My girl needs your prayers.

17 days ago Grace woke up with a headache. I chalked it up to residual Covid effects from the beginning of September, but it has progressively gotten worse – especially in the mornings. Tuesday of last week she had an episode where her pupils were two different sizes. It didn’t last terribly long, but that combine with the constant headache and Kayleigh’s history, it had us in the doctors office the following morning.

Thankfully, we have some pretty awesome doctors in our contact lists. We had her eyes checked out that morning and they looked good, so we were referred to her regular doctor. They got her in that afternoon and it felt a lot like deja vu.

Sitting in the same offices I had taken Kayleigh, watching Dr. P do the same tests. There aren’t really words to describe what that feels like. Peace because I know God is good, He has a plan, and he loves Grace infinitely more than I do. But at the same time, creeping fear that tries to surround me and seep through the cracks of my armor. “What if’s” are a nasty game and one I refuse to play, but it sure would be easy to go there.

The good news is that Grace passed those tests that Kayleigh failed so spectacularly – thank you Jesus! Both Dr. D and Dr. P think migraines would be the logical culprit. But even then, with the family history, we would all feel better after an MRI of her brain to confirm.

That was last Wednesday. Since then the headaches have gotten progressively worse each day. We’ve tried every over the counter medicine, prescription medicine, oils, supplements, and acupressure, but nothing gives her any real relief.

The mornings are particularly awful and she’s missed school almost all week. She began having significant light sensitivity about 6 days ago that has snowballed to the point that she is wearing sunglasses, inside, with all the lights out. Last night she also started seeing spots, and today her balance is off and she’s dizzy.

We finally received approval to schedule the MRI this morning and her appointment is tomorrow (Friday) at 8:15 am.

Originally, Grace wanted me to wait until we had answers to post. If you know her then you know she is absolutely, utterly, and completely despises being the center of attention. As in HATES it. But the prompting to write has grown each day along with her symptoms. Tonight, with the MRI set for the same place we took Kayleigh, and the increased symptoms, it’s just too much of a burden to carry alone. We need our prayer warriors, and Grace agreed it was time to post.

Here are our specific prayer requests:

  • Continued peace in the waiting.
  • The scan goes well tomorrow and it gets read quickly.
  • That it is clear and we get that phone call tomorrow!
  • Relief from this headache.
  • That Grace can get back to normal life, catch up in school, and get back to playing ball.

Like I said in the beginning – I never thought I would have to make a post like this again, but I am so thankful that we have the friends and prayer warriors that we do. Even as we look into the unknown of tomorrow I can tell you this – our God is good, His plan is perfect, and I trust Him – no matter what the path looks like. Even if…

I’ll update when we know more.

Until later,‘Carrow💜

I don’t think Kayleigh would mind sharing her verse with G. It fits perfectly…

“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.Jeremiah 29:11 NLTGod’s got this beautiful girl in the palm of His hand so we choose joy!

Musings from Mommy Duck

Musings from Mommy Duck…

When I began writing almost three years ago I had no idea where this journey would take us. All I knew is that we were going to trust the Lord, be positive, and be authentic. All of those things were equally important and still are, but authenticity is one of those things I feel like is lacking on social media sometimes. I loved sharing all the amazing things God did all along our journey, but you know what? There are hard days too, and I believe it’s just as important (if not more so) to talk about those days. Because while we love to hear about what’s going right with people, we really relate to the things that go wrong, don’t we? I know I love seeing other moms with mountains of laundry and dirty dishes at their house – it feels like we’re all in this together!

So on that note, here’s a question for you. Have you ever had a time where you prayed for something specific, the Lord answered it, and then you really wished you could change your mind and say, “I take it back!,” or is that just me?

I’ll explain…

My specific prayer this week was that the Lord word grow me. That seems like a good prayer, right? Decently safe. Not like praying for patience where I will get “opportunities” to PRACTICE patience (thank you, no😬). I really meant that I wanted to study and learn more, but as I was studying, the “opportunity to grow” came in the form of a very pointed and unexpected question.

This is one of those questions that is going to make you think. WARNING: You know how once you see something you can’t unsee it? Well, after you read something you can’t unread it either. So continue reading at your own risk and don’t say I didn’t warn you!

This was the question I read yesterday morning…

“Are you prepared to let the Spirit of God search you until you know what the level and nature of sin is in your life – to see the very things that struggle against God’s Spirit in you?” (Oswald Chambers – “My Utmost For His Highest” – April 10

This is where I would really like to say – “never-mind Lord, growing doesn’t sound quite so fun anymore!” Analyzing my heart and discerning where my human nature is at odds with the Holy Spirit does not sound like a particularly pleasant exercise. It sounds up close, personal, and deep.

Frankly, things in my life are good right now. My walk with the Lord and life in general are in a good place. It would be so easy to coast along and enjoy the ride. Why should I rock the boat and ask the Spirit to search me?


…because that is how we grow.

We must choose to be intentional about following the Lord, letting go of our own will, and trusting the Spirit to keep us on track. It seems that “safe” prayer I prayed isn’t quite as safe as I thought it was. In fact, it seems that it was a bold prayer in disguise.

Now that the question has been asked and is out there, it requires an answer. Am I ready or am I not? Am I willing or am I not? The beautiful thing about our Lord is that He allows us to choose. Personally, you are going to find me being obedient to the Lord. I may take a little time to examine what is being asked of me so I understand, but I have seen God do such amazing things that no matter what, I ultimately want to be with Him where ever He is.

And that, my friends, is real life with this Mommy Duck.

Until tomorrow,

Psalm 19:14
Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer

Psalm 51:10
Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.

Proud Mom Part 2

Proud Mom Part 1

Speak The Truth In Love