As I lay in bed unable to sleep, I pick up my phone to write the kind of post I never thought I would write again. My girl needs your prayers.

17 days ago Grace woke up with a headache. I chalked it up to residual Covid effects from the beginning of September, but it has progressively gotten worse – especially in the mornings. Tuesday of last week she had an episode where her pupils were two different sizes. It didn’t last terribly long, but that combine with the constant headache and Kayleigh’s history, it had us in the doctors office the following morning.

Thankfully, we have some pretty awesome doctors in our contact lists. We had her eyes checked out that morning and they looked good, so we were referred to her regular doctor. They got her in that afternoon and it felt a lot like deja vu.

Sitting in the same offices I had taken Kayleigh, watching Dr. P do the same tests. There aren’t really words to describe what that feels like. Peace because I know God is good, He has a plan, and he loves Grace infinitely more than I do. But at the same time, creeping fear that tries to surround me and seep through the cracks of my armor. “What if’s” are a nasty game and one I refuse to play, but it sure would be easy to go there.

The good news is that Grace passed those tests that Kayleigh failed so spectacularly – thank you Jesus! Both Dr. D and Dr. P think migraines would be the logical culprit. But even then, with the family history, we would all feel better after an MRI of her brain to confirm.

That was last Wednesday. Since then the headaches have gotten progressively worse each day. We’ve tried every over the counter medicine, prescription medicine, oils, supplements, and acupressure, but nothing gives her any real relief.

The mornings are particularly awful and she’s missed school almost all week. She began having significant light sensitivity about 6 days ago that has snowballed to the point that she is wearing sunglasses, inside, with all the lights out. Last night she also started seeing spots, and today her balance is off and she’s dizzy.

We finally received approval to schedule the MRI this morning and her appointment is tomorrow (Friday) at 8:15 am.

Originally, Grace wanted me to wait until we had answers to post. If you know her then you know she is absolutely, utterly, and completely despises being the center of attention. As in HATES it. But the prompting to write has grown each day along with her symptoms. Tonight, with the MRI set for the same place we took Kayleigh, and the increased symptoms, it’s just too much of a burden to carry alone. We need our prayer warriors, and Grace agreed it was time to post.

Here are our specific prayer requests:

  • Continued peace in the waiting.
  • The scan goes well tomorrow and it gets read quickly.
  • That it is clear and we get that phone call tomorrow!
  • Relief from this headache.
  • That Grace can get back to normal life, catch up in school, and get back to playing ball.

Like I said in the beginning – I never thought I would have to make a post like this again, but I am so thankful that we have the friends and prayer warriors that we do. Even as we look into the unknown of tomorrow I can tell you this – our God is good, His plan is perfect, and I trust Him – no matter what the path looks like. Even if…

I’ll update when we know more.

Until later,‘Carrow💜

I don’t think Kayleigh would mind sharing her verse with G. It fits perfectly…

“For I know the plans I have for you,” says the LORD. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.Jeremiah 29:11 NLTGod’s got this beautiful girl in the palm of His hand so we choose joy!